Davaon's Gardening Calendar: Top Tasks for May

Davaon's Gardening Calendar: Top Tasks for May

May is here and spring is in full force! This month marks the start of the season's first barbecues, as the days lengthen and the warm summer breezes feel close enough to touch. This is an excellent month to set yourself up for a successful summer.

If you followed our previous months' tips and tricks, it's time to enjoy lots of gorgeous colour on your hanging planters and patio displays. Take a moment to sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labour in full bloom. If you're lucky, you might even spot some first strawberries to enjoy! 


blooming red, orange, and yellow flowers hanging from the balcony

Enjoy the eye-catching colours from your garden this month


What we’ll cover in this article:


Click here for more information on how to plan out the gardening seasons, as well as a wealth of useful tips and tricks for each month.


Spring cleaning your garden

Let's start the month off by removing spent flowers, picking deadheads and trimming back spreading plants. This allows you to put more energy back into the bulbs, strengthening them for the next season. Of course, it also just makes everything look nicer. 

Trim any spring-flowering shrubs and take cuttings of soft-wood shrubs such as sage or verbena. Our classic bypass secateurs are an excellent choice for pruning shrubs, flowers and branches as you go. The adjustable grip width lets you switch from fully open to 50% of the width in seconds for all your pruning needs.

Bloomin’ successful planting

If you haven’t placed your plants outside yet, now is the time to get your bedding plants, hanging baskets and patio containers on display. Keep any last signs of frost in mind, though, as the colder temperatures creeping up at night could potentially undo your hard work.

To avoid this, you can leave half-hardy plants outside during the day and bring them back inside in the evenings. Doing this for about a week helps to harden off your garden plants before planting them outdoors. As soon as the risk of frost has passed, tender exotics and dahlias can be added to your flowering beds. Towards the end of the month, it’s finally time to exchange your spring-flowering bulbs with your summer bedding.


hanging flower baskets

It's time to put the plants and flowers you've been growing on full display


A patio fit for summer gatherings

Having taken care of your flowers, it is now time to tend to your patio areas and pathways to get your garden ready for outdoor events. Make sure to brush up any furniture that might have gotten weathered over the last few months. Why not spend some time transforming a corner of your garden into a beautiful area to rest and enjoy food this summer?


a rustic style patio overlooking a sunny garden

Prepare your patio for the post-lockdown good times this summer


Grow-your-own: Tip of the Month

If you followed our gardening tips for April, your beds should now be ready to transplant tomatoes, courgettes and pumpkins. If you haven’t done so already, plant shallots, onions and potatoes. If you planted potatoes in the previous months, they should now be ready to be earthed up.

Whenever possible, make sure to protect your grow-your-own area from pests and birds. May is also a good time to plant out any strawberry seedlings that you have planted in the previous months.


Wrapping up

May sees spring coming to an end. This is an exciting time for us gardeners, as the combination of rain, warmer temperatures, and increased sunlight creates an ideal climate for us to flourish! Spend some time outside this month with Davaon and get your garden ready for a flourishing season.

Make sure to start thinking about your gardening plans for June. Get a head start on the rest of the year by reading about our best tips and tricks for each season.

Whatever your gardening needs may be, feel free to browse through our range of premium garden tools, designed by gardeners, for gardeners.

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